To enter the online platform of Labnet laboratories, select the LABNET WEBLINK icon on the top right of this website, or type the following address directly:
On the landing page that shows up, select “Login”.
In the “Username” and “Password” fields, please enter your credentials provided to you by Labnet. In the “Login as” drop down list, make sure “Sender” is selected.
Credentials are in the form of:
Username: W-XXX | Password: XXX |
Finally, select Submit to enter the LABNET WEBLIS environmet.
WEBLIS environmet consists of two main menus. The “Results” and “Orders” menus. In the “Change Password” menu you can change the WebLis password.
New Referal creation. #
To go to the Orders menu, select ‘Orders’ from the main menu or from the right side in the Results menu.
Orders menu can be used to register patient’s orders and for printing e-Referals and sample barcodes. Because of security reasons, WebLis does not have direct access to our database. The commands entered electronically are recorded in an intermediate table. Only when we receive and scan the barcode of the sample, a new entry will be created in our database. Charges will be applied, and the command will appear in the Results menu. This is how the laboratory verifies that all samples have been received properly (PRINTING of e-REFERRALS).
To create a new order, select ‘New Order,’ and the window for entering demographic data opens.
The blank fields such as ‘Last Name’, ‘First Name’, etc., are used for searching demographic information from a previous entry of the same patient, in order to establish a correlation and create a history of their examinations. However, due to GDPR regulation, all orders in the reference laboratory are sent encrypted, and therefore, they are considered as “New Orders”.
To create a new patient order, select the red icon ‘New,’ and a third row will be opened for entering the demographic details of the order. Essential details, in addition to ‘Last Name’ (patient code), include ‘Gender’ and ‘Date of Birth’ (especially when it comes to hormonal examinations or examinations of children).
By selecting the diskette icon on the left, we save the details of the order.
In the ‘Notes’ field, we can add data about the patient’s history or any other necessary information.
We select the new entry, and at the bottom right, we click ‘Apply.
Afterward, close the demographic details window and return to the Order window. We can place an order for examinations either from the ‘Order’ tab by clicking in the space between the two red ‘New’ icons or by selecting examinations from the ‘Examination Panel,’ where the examinations are categorized according to our referrals.
Saving is done automatically when we move to the ‘Order’ tab. The examinations are displayed with the required sample.
In the ‘Order Details’ field, we can electronically write any observation (e.g., urine volume, type of culture, etc.) that we would note for the examination in the ‘Observations’ on the referral. This information will be printed on the e-Referral as well. Examinations that we cannot find, or any other comment, can be manually noted on the e-Referral. Additionally, we can also designate the sample as ‘Urgent.
Once the sample is received in the Labnet laboratory, the status of the order changes from ‘Pending Acceptance (eye)’ to ‘Accepted for examination (padlock)’.
When the order is ‘Pending Acceptance (eye)’, you can make any modification to the demographics, examinations, or even delete the entire order.
However, when the sample is received by the Labnet laboratory and marked as ‘Accepted for examination’ (padlock), for security reasons (preventing remote access to a database containing medical information), any necessary modifications can only be made by phone.
From the Referral, we can print the e-Referral either in detailed format (Image A) that includes the examinations, or in summary format (Image A) (by checking the ‘List’ box) that contains only the demographic data without the examinations, first selecting which patients we want to print.
As soon as the tab with the referrals opens, we select ‘Print’ from Adobe Reader on the printer icon and then choose our printer.
CAUTION!!! On the first usage, the browser may not open a new tab and may display a message related to preventing the creation of new windows from In this case, by clicking on the message, we choose ‘Allow pop-ups from’ and repeat the process.
From the ‘Print Barcode Labels’ (button next to the Referral), we can print the barcode of the sample based on the required materials.
As soon as the tab with the barcodes opens, we select ‘Print’ from Adobe Reader on the printer icon, and then choose your barcode printer. The default dimension for the barcode is 50×20 mm. Additional available dimensions for barcodes are 50×25 mm and 45×35 mm.
CAUTION!!! On the first usage, the browser may not open a new tab and may display a message related to preventing the creation of new windows from In this case, by clicking on the message, we choose ‘Allow pop-ups from’ and repeat the process.
In the Results menu, you can see in real-time the orders as soon as they are entered into the laboratory and the results of the examinations as soon as they are confirmed by the laboratory
If there is no result, the order will be displayed with examinations marked as ‘Pending Result’, and it will have a yellow-orange header. When completed, it will be highlighted in green.
We can also, from the search filters in the Order Status, choose ‘Completed Orders’ or those ‘In Progress’ or even ‘All’.
The filters included in the Results menu consist of quick filters (in a yellow box) such as ‘TODAY’S RESULTS – YESTERDAY’S RESULTS – RESULTS OF THE LAST 10 DAYS,’ an option for a specified period (From – To), Last Name (surname or patient code), and the External Order number (the referral number or code of electronic entry). The Notes icon is highlighted in green when there are comments for that specific order (e.g., result delivery date).
Additionally, from the filter ‘Only Orders that include at least one of the Examinations’, you can select orders based on the type of examinations and see an overall view (e.g., examinations sent per month) from the Total Orders on the right.