11 February 2025


Strict internal and external quality control programmes are implemented

From the beginning of its operation, the Labnet laboratory network has given clear priority to the quality of the tests being performed, implementing strict internal and external quality control programmes.

You can view LABNET ESYD Certificate of Accreditation here.

Quality Control samples for all tests are tested daily in the laboratory in order to check the stability of the reagents and the correct operation of the analyser. In addition, Quality Control samples are also tested at intermediate intervals in cases of successive calibrations or reagent changes.

The External Quality Assurance and reliability of the lab results is carried out in cooperation with external bodies organising proficiency testing, such as ESEAAP, BIORAD, ELQA, UKNEQAS, RIQAS.

Labnet SA laboratories have been accredited by the Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD), according to the requirements of the ELOT EN ISO 15189:2012 Standard and have been deemed competent to perform tests, as specified in the Official Scope of Accreditation of each laboratory (Athens, Thessaloniki, Ioannina, Larissa). The international standard ISO 15189 (Medical Laboratories – Particular requirements for quality and competence) includes a number of Management and Technical requirements. The main Technical requirements relate to pre- and post-analytical procedures, the performance of analyses and the operation of personnel. Ιn the administrative field Labnet is clearly oriented to better serve its partner Biopathology laboratories based on excellent quality and innovation.